Friday 21 October 2011

Transition Types

Through the various uses of editing, there have been countless transition types. Some prime examples include wipe and jump cuts. George Lucas' Star Wars films used the wipe cuts to great effect. Every single Star Wars film has used the wipe cut and it has become somewhat a bit of a private joke with filmmakers in the industry.

Films featuring many action sequences tend to use lots of quick cuts to show the action. Production will involve many cameras to film all the action in order to get the best shots available. Jump cutting is also used to emphasis the transition of one place to another in most cases.

It is very rare for a film to feature a scene with not cuts but one such example 'Children of Men' features an action scene without a single cut, and it's been used to great effect.

Cross cutting is also another form of transistion types and this is used to show the action taking place in two different locations at once.

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